brooklyn navy yard


Status / Completed

Location / Market St
Brooklyn, NY 11205

Area / 215,000 ft

Completion / Fall 2016

Client's Site / Brooklyn Navy Yard

The iconic Brooklyn Navy Yard is home to two existing buildings from WWI and WWII originally designed to assist the military in the production of navy ships. The site began to transform after the wars and over the years, the buildings were used to support small and large businesses.

Today, the 215,000 square foot complex is now being developed into the Green Manufacturing Center. An immense open volume is divided into three, 50,000 square foot spaces that open into a courtyard for parking and truck access. The energy efficient design supports the company’s mission to develop green products.

outdoor close up shot of Brooklyn Navy Yard
indoor view of Brooklyn Navy Yard

The history of the building is honored and celebrated by incorporating sustainable materials and keeping the character of the building. The abundance of natural light streaming from the roof alongside the Kallwall glazing skylights, bring 80% of the light into the open volume of the buildings. Roof fans supply ample - natural - ventilation for all tenants.

Brooklyn Navy Yard map
